Sunday, June 6, 2010


Jealousy is a very common thing in the Great Gatsby. Jealousy is the feeling that you get when you really want something that another person has. In the book, there are plenty of jealous people, and this jealousy makes people do things that they normally wouldn't do. The jealousy between Tom and Daisy is very prominent in the book. Tom is married to Daisy but he is also having a relationship with Myrtle Wilson. Myrtle Wilson is also married to George, and he doesn't know of her secret relationship with Tom. Myrtle is very jealous of Daisy because she married Tom. Daisy knows about their relationship but she doesn't do anything to stop it. Tom pretends that his affair doesn't effect his relationship with Daisy.
Jay Gatsby is a very rich man and he becomes jealous very easy as well. He is mostly jealous of Tom because he married his dream girl, Daisy. This jealousy causes Gatsby to throw huge parties every week hoping that one day Daisy would come to one. This seems odd because in the book it says that Gatsby doesn't even like to party. In the book, the Great Gatsby, it is obvious that many people are jealous of other people's spouses and their lifestyles.

Even though Nick doesn't show his jealousy, he can also get jealous as well. I believe that he is jealous of Gatsby's riches. Since he lives right next door to him, he probably wishes he can have a nice house like that. Gatsby has a good way with woman and money so I think that Nick can get a little jealous because of this. This shows that jealousy can be portrayed in many different ways. In the Great Gatsby, people's jealousy can be either bad or good. However, many people's jealousy can go for the worse in this book.
The Great Gatsby- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Selfish People

There are many selfish people in the book "The Great Gatsby". Pretty much every person in the book can be considered selfish for some kind of reason. Even Gatsby can be selfish sometimes. Gatsby is selfish because he doesn't care how Tom feels about his relationship with Daisy, and how it can effect Tom. Daisy is also very selfish because she doesn't care how her husband, Tom, feels about her relationship with Gatsby. There are plenty of selfish characters in this book. All they care about is themselves, and they don't seem to care about other people's worries or thoughts.

Personally, I think that Gatsby is the most selfish person in the book because he has a big sum of money and he can use it to his benefit. Gatsby's dream in the book is to find Daisy and try to renew their relationship together, but he is being selfish because he knew she was married and he didnt't even think how it be if Tomwere to find out about them. If Tom were to find out then there would be even bigger problems. Instead of sharing his wealth with other people, he only spends it on parties and entertainment, instead of helping the poor and doing other nice things.

Gatsby isn't the only jealous person in the book, Tom also doesn't care about how Daisy feels even though she knows that he is cheating on her. I also think that Myrtle is one of the most selfish people in the book. She has a loving husband who works hard in a garage shop all day to help pay for her, but she doesn't even appreciate him. She also doesn't care that Tom is married to a woman that loves him for who he really is. Myrtle doesn't care about her husband's feelings because she doesn't even care if he catches her cheating with someone.

Great Gatsby: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Unrequited Love

The defenition of unrequited love is when one person has strong feelings towards another that are not reciprocated. In the story the Great Gatsby, an example of unrequited love is between Tom and Daisy. Daisy married Tom just for his money basically. Tom doesn't have much of any feeling for Daisy because he has a mistress girl that lives in New York who he goes to visit once a week. Tom never has her come to his house, he always is the one traveling up to New York to see her, and it's usually on Sunday's because he says he has nothing better to be doing.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are another example of unrequited love. Mrs. Wilson is having her secret affair with Tom who is cheating on Daisy. Mr. Wilson was oblivious to all the clues and signs that were poitning to Mrs. Wilson having an affair. Tom would come down to the repair shop and talk to Mrs. Wilson, they would then secretly make arrangements of where to meet up to be together away from Mr. Wilson. Tom never felt threatend by Mr. Wilson finding out because he didn't think he was even smart enough to catch onto what was going on.

Many of people have to deal with unrequited love now a days. Alot of people marry there spouse just for the money or extra's they have. Sadly this will usually eventually lead to a divorce. Alot of people are attracted to this life style though because they are to lazy to work and would rather just marry into a rich family and not have to do anything.

"The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Old vs. New Money

In the book, the Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses the term "old money vs. new money" as a way to contrast two different types of people. The people who live in East Egg, like Tom and Daisy Buchanan, are portrayed as the "old money" type of people. Unlike them, Gatsby and the people of West Egg are known as "new money". The definition between the both is pretty self explanatory, meaning that the old money people have been rich their whole life, and the new money people just recently became rich.

Throughout the story, we always hear people make remarks about the people known as new money and old money. Tom relates the the new money people as a bunch of bootleggers who just recently fell into a big load of money. He suspects that Gatsby is a bootlegger because he knew that he just earned his wealth, and he didn't grow up being very rich. Nick doesn't believe this because he admires Gatsby and he still thinks that he was related to very rich people from the past.

The way that F. Scott Fitzgerald talks about the old money people is that they are very stubborn, and have no morals. They are very selfish people, and they don't care for anybody else except their own wealth and riches. These are the people who have been raised by rich families and they will constantly be rich through their whole life. They have no idea what it means to actually work for money and everything is handed to them. There is a big difference between the old money and the new money people. The way they earned their money and the way they spend it is what distinguishes them.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dan Cody

Dan Cody is a character who in the story plays a huge role in Jay Gatsby's life. Dan is not really mentioned at all throughout the whole story except in chapter six where he is introduced. He is the one who is really credited with getting Jay his job after getting out of the war.

Dan Cody and Gatsby became friends with each other back when Jay was working in Lake Superior, digging for clams and fishing for salamon. Gatsby had heard that there was a big storm that was coming towards Lake Superior, so Gatsby got in his boat and rowed out to a yacht to warn the man that there was a storm coming. That man happened to be Dan Cody, Dan invited Gatsby onto his yacht. After that they were bestfriends, Jay was now Dan's personal assistant and they were working together a whole lot. James and Jay were so close as friends that Dan had convinced Jay to change his name to Jay Gatsby, because prior to that his real name was James Gatz.

Dan Cody was living the ultimate life and Jay really wanted to live the same lifestyle as him. Dan had eventually passed away, and when he did he left Jay $25,000. So that gave Gatsby to find away to make easy money. Once this started, Gatsby got into the whole bootlegging buisness. In the 1920's when prohibition had occured getting alcohol was a serious topic, so Gatsby did just that. So with all of Gatsby's sucess most all of it can be credited towards Dan Cody.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Women of Gatsby

There are three main women characters in the Great Gatsby, and they are Daisy Buchanan, Jordan Baker, and Myrtle Wilson. Daisy is Nick Carraway's cousin, and she is also the woman that Gatsby loves. Daisy grew up in Louisville, and that is the place where she met Gatsby before the war started. She had promised Gatsby that she would wait for him while he was at war. But after a while a man named Tom Buchanan asked Daisy to marry her, and she decided not to wait for Gatsby after all. She lives in East Egg with Tom and they have a very wealthy lifestyle. Daisy has a habit of putting on a fake act in order to cover up her true feelings.

In the beginning of the book, Jordan Baker was introduced as Daisy's good friend. Jordan is known to be very good at sports, especially golf. She was actually accused of cheating in a recent golf tournament. She is also said to be a very dishonest person. Throughout the story, Jordan starts to develop a relationship between Nick after Daisy suggests the idea to her. Jordan represents one of the new women of the 1920s. She is cynical, boyish, and self-centered.

In this book, Myrtle Wilson is the women that is having an affair with Tom. Not only is she having relationships with Tom, but she also has a husband named George Wilson, and they both live in New York City. Her husband has no idea that she is being unfaithful in their marriage. She enjoys drinking alcohol and her manners are a little off. She is a big loud-mouth and everything seems to be revolved around her. In chapter 7 of the book, she gets hit by the car that Daisy and Gastby were driving and she died from impact.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Men of Gatsby

In the story “The Great Gatsby” there were three main characters, Nick Carraway, Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan. Each character has their own special trait and main role in the story. The first character I will introduce is the narrator of the story, Nick Carraway. Nick says that is family is very prominent, and they all come from the Middle Western cities. Nick’s dad owns a hardware business that had been inherited from Nick’s grandfather. Nick had lived in the East Egg for a long time, but eventually he decided to move to the West Egg and pursue the bond business. When Nick moved to the West Egg he purchased a very small house that was squeezed in between two huge houses, one of them being Jay Gatsby’s house. Nick is slowly starting to hang out with Jay more and more. He is said that Nick and Jay may soon be business partners.

Another very important character in the story is Jay Gatsby. Gatsby is a very strange character. At the beginning of the book you really don’t hear much about him and everything seems to be very secretive with Gatsby. We know Jay has a very big house that is right next door to Nick Carraway. Gatsby has really big parties and has hundreds of people come over, most of who he doesn’t even know of. Jay had invited Nick to go have lunch with him and that really was what started the whole friendship between them. It is later discovered the Gatsby’s real name was James Gatz. As the book goes on Gatsby was really starting to grow fond and slowly flirt with Tom’s cousin, Daisy Buchanan.

The last important character in the story is Tom Buchanan who is a very wealthy man. Tom is married to Daisy who has a thing for Gatsby. Tom and Daisy are always fighting. It is believed that they want to get a divorce but are not allowed to do to their catholic religion. Tom has a very arrogant personality. He is known to have some anger issues and has had some violent encounters with other characters. Tom also is having an affair with another one of the characters Myrtle. Tom has no respect, and doesn’t care what he says or people think of him. He does not try to follow any kind of conduct at all.