Thursday, May 20, 2010

East Egg vs. West Egg

East Egg and West Egg are very identical and are seperated by a body of water. There are two major differences between the two and that is the so-called "old money vs. new money" concept. In the Great Gatsby, East Egg is known to be the old money and West Egg had the reputation of new money. The similarity between the two eggs is that they both have a love and a desire for money, but the difference is how they got the money and the way they used it.

East Egg is known to be the more fashionable and elite of the two. Since they are said to be the old money, this means that they have always had a large sum of money. The people who settle in East Egg have lived in rich families or have been apart of wealthy traditions for their whole life. Tom and Daisy are a good example of this, because they grew up with extremely wealthy families. These people are known to be very rude, with little personality. They are very selfish people and all they think about is their riches and personal needs. The East Eggers are so spoiled that they literally don't have to do anything, and they would still be completely covered with money.

Unlike the East Eggers, the West Eggers have not been rich their entire lives. They are newly rich. These people of West Egg have worked very hard to earn everything they have. They weren't spoiled like East Eggers, and they actually had to work for their money. Like Gatsby and the rest of the West Eggers, they are known as new money because they recently received their riches, and they didn't grow up in wealty families their entire lives. I believe that West Egg represents more morality of the two because nothing was given to them and they had high hopes and dreams to get them where they were.


  1. Thanks to you now I know where east and west eggs are.
    I am reading the great gatsby right now :D

    I'm italian, I hope one day to see new york
