Tuesday, May 11, 2010


The flappers started a brand new revolution for women in the 1920s era. They didnt want to live the ordinary life of an everyday women, so they turned to different styles of clothing, makeup, and hairstyles. At this time, this style was very inappropriate to many groups of people. In the Roaring Twenties women were starting to have more rights, and this may have contributed to the rise of the flappers. Also, Prohibition could of started the rise of flappers because they wanted to rebel the act of forbidden alcohol.

These women were known to be risk takers for all of their crazy acts. These flappers listened to new types of jazz music and they performed new dances at jazz clubs. Flappers dated more men and they didnt treat sex the way women used to. They had sex more often with guys that they were not in relationships with. Women of this era started to drive cars and ride biciycles. Despite the Prohibiton, they still drank out in the public. Flappers also started to smoke cigarettes and they started to experience other drugs such as cocaine.

The flappers were best known for their new sense of style. In the 1920s they introduced a more boyish look. These women showed more skin by wearing short skirts and they cut there hair very short to make it look more boyish-like. They also wore an ample amout of makeup on their faces. Kohlin rimmed eyes and bee-stung lips made the flappers so different from the ordinary woman. They also came out with layered necklaces and horn-rimmed glasses. High heels and short dresses were the flappers attire when it came to dancing at jazz clubs.

1 comment:

  1. Very good post. I love the pictures and like how you cite your sources. Your background looks great. Try to add more to your sidebar. 75/75

    Ms. Donahue
