Thursday, May 13, 2010

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Francis Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota. He first started writting stories in the St. Paul Academy where he published his first book in 1909. Fitzgerald went on to enter Princeton University in 1913, but once he failed to become a football star he dropped out in 1917 due to poor grades. Right after he dropped out of Princeton he joined the United Sates Army during World War 1. Fitzgerald did not get shipped off and was not able to fight in any kind of battle.

In 1918 Scott met his future wife Zelda Sayre, and in 1919 landed a short lived job with an advertisment company. As years past he started to grow in a serious amount of debt and to make times harder Zelda discovered she was preganant and they went on to have the baby in 1921.

Scott Fitzgerald's next book he wrote was The Great Gatsby. This book did not make him much money at all, but on February 2, 1926 at the Great Ambassador Theater, they released a dramatized version of the book. The success of the play allowed them to make an actual movie on The Great Gatsby which too became very sucessful.

After the huge sucesss from the Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald was travling bacl and forth from Europe and America writing numerous books.

Scott Fitzgerald had been struggling with a severe alcohol problem since his college days. He kept suffering from multiple heartattacks due to his alcoholism. Sadly on December 21, 1940, Francis Scott Fitzgerald died before he was able to complete his book The Last Tycoon.



  1. Ms. Donahue,
    I wrote this blog on Thursday night and saved it, then went back and posted it on Friday! I don't know why it is showing me as posting it on Thursday.

  2. Next time you must post when it is due. 75/75
