Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mafia vs. Gangsters

Mafia's had first emerged in Sicily. They are an association of criminal groups who share the same dislikes in something. Mafia's are alot bigger than gangs and they have a full structure to them. They had a boss then under him an under boss, Caporigeme, then solders, and under the solders associates. Mafia's put alot of structure together and are formed together very securely and everyone is assigned a position unlike gangs.

Gangs have been present in the world for as long as there have been inhabitants dating back to 1200 AD. Gangsters are well known to have hand signals and their own kind of slang. Gangs were slowly starting to become well known in low income neighborhoods. Gangs tend to form in large urban cities such as Los Angeles and Chicago. As drugs were increasingly getting imported to the United States gangs were now turning into a business type gang, and violence was dramatically increasing.

With a comparison between Mafia's and Gangs, it is known that a gang tends to be alot smaller in size compared to a mafia. Also Mafia's are much more organized and have a structure to them. Gangs are more just a group of people who say that they are a part of the gang and they don't have to do very much to get into the gang.

Source on Gangsters: http://www.gripe4rkids.org/his.html
Source on Mafia:http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Structure-of-the-Mafia&id=1480883

1 comment:

  1. You must relate all posts to Gatsby in some way. 60/75
